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Message: Sonnen battery and GE

I find it a coincidence that GE just bought into Sonnen battery and Electrovaya just made this huge residential energy storage deal. Sonnen fits the description and now they have funding from GE. That would mean GE is now very familiar with Electrovaya. I just read an article from Germany where they are saying there is a rumor that GE is about to buy a German company. More than likely Sonnen but you never know could be Electrovaya as well.http://www.reuters.com/article/power-batteries-germany-idUSL8N18U3E1 and http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9b6ecc24-2bfb-11e6-bf8d-26294ad519fc.html#axzz4C8FggOJ8

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