Focused on High Grade Silver/Zinc/Lead/Gallium Deposits in the Yukon

6 Properties in Timmins West north of the Destor-Porcupine Fault

Message: Zinccorp R.E.I.T. (my edit) Acquires Ag-Pb-Zn (Cu, Au) Target in Yukon
Zinccorp Resources Inc.

Apr 11, 2011 12:16 ET

Zinccorp Acquires Ag-Pb-Zn (Cu, Au) Target in Yukon



  • Two large - 900m and 600m long- base metal geochemical anomalies.
  • Soil Anomaly 'A' is 900 metres long with values up to 373 ppm Zn, 146 ppm Pb, 114 ppm
    Cu and 1.0 ppm Ag.
  • Anomaly 'B' is 600 metres long and comprises stream silt and bank samples values up to
    906 ppm Zn, 500 ppm Pb, 80 ppm Cu and 3.2 ppm Ag.
  • Occurs in same high grade mineralized geological environment as Full Metal Minerals' 40
    Mile Project, a newly discovered district to the west in Alaska.
  • A gossaneous, iron-rich, limonitic felsic volcanic float-sample assayed 43.8 g/t silver.
  • Property is close to existing road infrastructure.

ZINCCORP RESOURCES INC. (TSX VENTURE:ZN) is pleased to announce optioning Liberty Fork Project in Yukon.The Liberty Fork property consists of 49 quartz mineral claims located approximately 90 km northwest of Dawson City as shown on Claim Map Sheet 116C/10. The claim group is accessible by helicopter from Dawson City. A gravel road that serviced the past producing Clinton Creek asbestos mine extends to within 12 km of the southern claim boundary and the Taylor Highway in Alaska lies approximately 12 km to the west.

Exploration History of the area originally identified a regional silt sampling program carried out by Cominco in 1979. Cominco returned to the area in 1995 and completed contour soil and silt sampling as a follow-up to the earlier regional work.

Despite a recommended program to determine the source of the identified geochemical anomalies the claims were allowed to lapse. The area was re-staked in 2004 by J.P. Ross a Whitehorse prospector, who has carried out prospecting, stream silt and soil geochemical sampling and staked additional claims in 2007.

Two significant geochemical anomalies were detected by Cominco during work on this occurrence in 1995. Anomaly 'A' is 900 metres long and comprises contour soil samples with maximum values up to 373 ppm Zn, 146 ppm Pb, 114 ppm Cu and 1.0 ppm Ag. Anomaly 'B' is 600 metres long and comprises stream silt and bank samples with maximum values of 906 ppm Zn, 500 ppm Pb, 80 ppm Cu and 3.2 ppm Ag (Yukon MINFILE occurrence - 105F 036). Immediately to the west of the Liberty Fork property, on the Alaska side of the border, is the 40 Mile property of Full Metal Minerals, a recently discovered and previously unknown mineral district. Recent drilling by Full Metal has identified multiple intervals of high grade Zn-Pb-Ag carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) style mineralization in a geological setting that is very similar to that which is producing the unexplained anomalies on the Liberty Fork claims.

Please see the attached file for location of the anomalies:

Drilling highlights from Full Metal's 40 Mile project to the west of the Liberty Fork Project include:

  • LWM07-04: 44.6 meters averaging 15.7% Zn, 5.3% Pb, 76 g/t Ag
  • LWM07-07: 11.1 meters averaging 26.3% Zn, 11.7% Pb, 169.8 g/t Ag
  • LWM07-09: 6.5 meters averaging 31.6% Zn, 11.3% Pb, 464.2 g/t Ag
  • LWM07-19: 5.6 meters averaging 31.8% Zn, 19.9% Pb, 346.8 g/t Ag
  • LWM08-32: 17.7 meters averaging 14.5% Zn, 11.1% Pb, 217.5 g/t Ag

The company will earn 100% by paying the vendor $50,000 cash, $50,000 worth of shares over 4 years, work commitment of $75,000 by the Year 2 anniversary. The vendor will retain NSR of 2% with an option to purchase 1% for $1,000,000.

The company is planning on a follow-up work to expand on the soil survey followed by geophysics, detail geological mapping and trenching to define drill targets.

The company also would like to announce that a Finders Fee will be apply in this transaction and the ET claims transactions (announced in April 6, 2011 News Release) according to the policies of TSX Venture Exchange. Roger MacDonald (P.Geo) has reviewed this news release.

About Zinccorp Resources:

Zinccorp has a strategic land position in the Destor-Porcupine-Fault zone of West Timmins area. The company has also positioned itself in the Yukon by acquiring other projects and developing its Michelle project where previous drilling has intersected 309 g/t Silver, 16.76% Zn, & 8.8% Pb over 18.29m width.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

For more information, please contact

Zinccorp Resources Inc.
Alan Campbell
(604) 685-2222 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (604) 685-2222 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Zinccorp Resources Inc.
Kevin Hull
(604) 685-2222 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (604) 685-2222 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
(604) 685-3764 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (604) 685-3764 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (FAX)
[email protected]
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