Message: It's Sadd, soo sad - or hold?

Your input would be most appreciated now , where, your consideration after rulings carry no revelance no matter the outcome.


On another note:

Happy black, green purple...etc Cyber Monday to all....$#@!*&^

amazing, hocus-pocus, economy we have here.

emit, that is what makes me feel, somewhat, nauseous, all contrived directly on the "Merry Xmas" whatever that's supposed to invoke these days.

I pledge allegiance to the Merry Xmas, for which it .....,

I'd like to see the cyber industry, at minimum, distance itself away from any specific day, and not portray the nonsense that brick and mortar is now doing, they are truly begging for your business.

Brick and Mortar is struggling and that's that.

All I see is one big blurry mess....

Where, amazingly, for me... e.Digital is not part of it.

I can wait the wait, for its fait ....and that's that.

merry CHRISTmas as plank put it.


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