Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

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Well, Fearless...

My stocks had been doing very well indeed....until today May 19th!!

I took some massive hits on SLW, JAG, MVG, and of course RBY ....not a good day to be thinking about buying too much of anything for the house until the PMs come back!

Right now I'm up at my new house in Oregon. My brother has bought a 24' U-Haul moving van, and this is our 2nd trip here to deliver all of my wife's stuff to the new house.

Also trying to get settled in for the long run here....just registered my truck for Oregon plates (half the cost of California), and got my Oregon driver's license....Damn! I'm almost an Oregonian...I'll probably start having moss grow on me soon!!

As for my life for the next few will be nothing but unpacking and organizing the new house....then maybe I will be able to think about some travel again...and yeah face to face is always better....mainly because I'm such a slow typer!! But getting better!

Best Regards,

Long for Cash.....I return to California on Friday to continue getting my old house there ready to put up on the market by June...

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