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Historic Discovery Along Porcupine Destor Fault

Message: jrichm99, what do you think of the news..

Sound news, the market likes it. Remember this drilling is in the ground between the defined high grade zones so these tons are in addition to the 2 million oz resource defined to date by Clifton Star.

Only 26 holes reported of over 150 drilled by now, intercept widths up to 33 m, mostly over 1 g/t Au and shallow, above 200 m. In previously undrilled portions of the syenite porphyry that resides between the Beattie high-grade zones.

Seems the demonstrated continuity along strike of the high-grade zones of Beattie/Donchester, over multiple kilometers is holding true for the core of the porphyry as well. Over six times the number of holes reported have been drilled. I expect more of the same and some better intercepts to come.

Then on to Donchester and another 150 holes there. IMO a 5-10 million ounce deposit remains an open possibility.

Not investment advice, DYODD I own shares of CFO.

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