Welcome To The Corac Group PLC HUB On AGORACOM

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Message: RCorac Group overview

Apr 28, 2008 08:16AM

Coras Group is an engineering and development company in England focusing on several innovations. The one Im following and added for this hub and investers in USA and Canade is there Downhole Gas Compressor. Suitable for old wells outlived (stranded gas) their production...or so we thought until the price inflations of today. Check it out....the majors are currently testing it in various test wells and its proved effective...it may also have use in pressureising wells including shale gas....its not cheap.....but technology never is. They are on the OTC pink sheets using American Deposit Reciepts using symbol UCGPF.PK or on the London exchange as CRA.L.

I think there is great opportunity and SP growth....Corac was promoted recently by FSPonLine as Energy Supply bigger then Saudi Arabia's.

Jun 19, 2008 06:55AM
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