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Message: Flux Power Vs Electrovaya

Prosser. You do seem to look at the rosier scenarios. Not good if you're talking stocks because in case you haven't noticed, most stocks only meet or miss expectations. 

ELVA said revs would be weighted to  the 2nd half. My question was, weighted or overloaded. Now, numerous companies are mentioning tough sledding due to economic conditions. So if they are overloaded to 2nd half, which they are based on poor Q1 and Q2, revs could be in jeopardy. Wake up and realize that is why the price has been slipping. Market is not convinced they can pull it off. 

As I've been suggesting, market conditions are deteriorating and ELVA won't get any love no matter what they do. That's why taking so long to get to this point is so frustrating. We're possibly going to get screwed no matter what happens. And the financing has become an albatross 

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