Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: fighting back

I have a profound dislike for shorters and even more when their shorting is done against a junior company. They are not builders, they are destroyers.

They can rationalize shorting as much as they want, when they repeatedly assail the market until they force companies to fail, it becomes a vicious predatory attack not a normal market activity. There is nothing normal with retail investors being constantly and systematically fleeced.

They call it free market, but when you analyze the short transaction report, you realize there is nothing free about it, except that, if you play their game, you let them freely pickpocket you.

They will say that the share price is only important the days you buy or sell. I disagree when, in between, their nefarious activities defeat even the best planned projects.

They will succeed their steeling and destroying for as long as the market will let them do it. Short selling is legal but they have pushed it to the point of being nothing less than organized crime. It is obvious the market authorities are permissive or simply favors them. It’s time retail investors fight back.

I’ve done my due diligence, I own the shares, I decide when and at what price I will sell them and I refuse to let someone, who does not own it, set the share price. I suggest you do the same. That is free market.

HPQ silicon and Pyrogenesis have a solid management team, are building an extraordinary project, and they have the perfect timing to bring their product to market. You will not have an opportunity like this one several times in your life, do not let destroyers sabotage it.

David is pissed off, Goliath has been bullying the market for way too long.

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