Update Dec 5
in response to
posted on
Dec 05, 2008 06:37PM
Primary products are ZingiberRx Cream and the Gen 2 enSonix @home Device
Here’s a brief update on the key issues being raised in your phone calls and emails.
- First and foremost, IHSI is poised for growth next year as we patiently wait for the global credit markets to settle down so that the announced private placement can be completed.
- Meantime, to further reduce overheads, we have relocated and reduced the size of our Canadian operation and warehousing, resulting in a 60% monthly saving. With the Head Office being moved to Palm Harbor, Florida, the Canadian office was “right sized” and will function as a distribution and sales office.
- Sales of ZingiberRx continue at a steady pace in all 60+ drug stores that carry the product, many of which have now had a listing for over a year.
- The GEN II enSonix hand held unit will be readied for production within three months of receipt of the private placement proceeds.
- The IHSI shares, are trading - although at very low volumes. We continue to make presentations to financial institutions to tell our story, and many are expressing interest. We expect that interest to be reflected in the stock activity and volume over the next two months.