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Message: Re: INTERVIEW: Legendary Financier, Sheldon Inwentash, Sets His Focus On Blockchain Themed Technologies and Tells Investors "Stay Tuned".

Ringer, thanks for posting our interview with Sheldon.

Guys, I strongly urge you guys to include the ThreeD Capital (IDK) forum as part of your Blockchain due diligence.  Sheldon Inwentash is a proven winner in the small cap space with some monster exits and now he has set his sights on Blockchain.

Blockchain is not a fad.  It will become the foundation for a great part of e-commerce and social media over the next 5 years. AGORACOM itself is heavily planning for it right now.  Due to the fact the underlying technology and its implications are difficult to understand and will take time for investors to get up to speed, it will be difficult for most to differentiate stocks in the space.

Sheldon, via ThreeD Capital, is committed to building a large, diverse, long-term portfolio of Blockchain assets. He's done this before at Pinetree and will do it again with ThreeD Capital.

As you can see from the interview, he has no interest in promotional language and activities.  He understands where Blockchain will be 5 years from now and is focused on building real companies. His history proves this goal is more than just words.

In my opinion, this takes the guess work out of the whole equation for 98% of investors.  I can't tell you what to invest in but I can suggest you give ThreeD Capital a serious look.

Hope to see you on the forum!




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