2 little things
posted on
Nov 20, 2023 03:35PM
In the midst of the technical and economic giants that permeate this board I, a liliputin in the areas of both technology and economics, somehow have mustered both the temerity and the tenacity to pose 2 little questions.
I acknowledge ahead of time that the answers are probably obvious to all of the giants of technology and economics who have been in residence on this board for years and that the obfuscation of the answers to these 2 questions is probably limited to mine eyes only and to be a matter of 20/20 vision to them. Hopefully those with that clear vision will elect to share what they see with me or with any other POET investor who might share my obfuscation. There might be at least one or two fellow obfuscated "retail investors" whose vision is more like 20/600 regarding POET's share price situation.
1) Why haven't the management and the BoD taken the opportunity to purchase huge amounts of POET stock, not only for the purpose of taking advantage of the now insane low price but, of equal importance, to shore up what little confidence the riff raft "Retail Investors" have left in the present disastrous circumstance regarding the share price?
2) If POET truly has the promised significant sales of its technololgy then where are the announcements of revenue from these sales?
Without some substantive proof by POET management and the POET BoD showing the non POET world that they have preiminent confidence in POET Technolgies and without sustantive proof to the non POET world that significant revenues to POET are at least in the pipeline then how is it that the non POET world should ever be convinced that POET Technologies is a company worth their own monied investment, whethere they be a "Retail Investor" or an "Institutional Investor".
Any non POET potential investor has a duty to himself/herself or itself to seek proof ahead of time before jumping into the POET pool, especially considering the fact that lately the share price pool for POET seems to have had the drain plug pulled out of the bottom of the pool.
Management continues to collect warrants and shares as part of the compensation for their continued employment at POET. If such share and warrant compensation was linked to performance of the company measured by the share price then I wonder how much money management and the BoD would be liable to pay back to the company? Just how much, in that circumstance, would be the bill POET would send to its management and BoD? How much would they "owe"? No doubt it would be a hefty sum they would, in a "perfect world", they would have to pay back for the negative performance of the stock. Granted, that view is not going to happen, but it is still worthy of speculation.
It hardly seems possible that a company should reward its managemnt and BoD for a nose dive in the value of the share price. In the real world of most employees below management level in most companies a negative performance criteria realistically results in either a negative performance review or a reduction in salary or both, at the very least anything but an increase in salary. Certainly consideration in such dire circumstance must be give to a termination of their employment... yet here at POET we keep rewarding both the management and the BoD and the knife falls further and further in a kinetic frenzy DOWN.
Rather bizarre circumstance to say the least! The counterintuitive upward move in management compensation as opposed to the downward movement of the stock price is no less than the definition of the word: Bizarre.
OK, bricks are coming. I know that the critical reaction to my comments will be quite vociferous. I expect it to not be received well, however regardless of the consequences I will remain incredulous as to how management can sleep well at night with the knowledge that it continues to collect new shares and warrants in spite of the lack of positive results as measured by the share price.
Best wishes to all POET share holders.