Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Future

Not many of you know me.

I have been here for 9 years.

I arrived through a Mutual Friend of Mr and Mrs Tombot, have spoken to both.

Mr Tombot very knowledgeable of the Industry, and Mrs Tombot very Enthusiastic and Compelling. A Great Team.

I made my Money through a small Company called Mackintosh Coputers, it's called Apple today. I posted about this before.

I am a Former Investment Banker, originally from London and then Working many years in Honk Kong.

I am at a knowledgeable Guy, however not in terms of Breaking Technology down.

I know a Good deal, and I will use my Rolodex to show everyone Poets Pottential.

My Message was not to Promote Poet, but to make a contribution to our Team.

I will be Buying More, and Speaking to my Contacts with Confidence.

Not that it's Important, I Invested 1.5 million Dollars of my Own Money in Poet.

I play the Long Game.



May 16, 2024 01:09AM
May 16, 2024 09:54AM
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