Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Soma Amazing Facts To Highlight

I just grabbed 3 things that willl really benefit us going forward


Selected POET optical engines will be integrated into existing Luxshare Tech products that are already on the market." Suresh has talked for years about how hard it is to replace incumbent technologies. Now, POET has done it and becomes the incumbent technology for Luxshare. These are existing products -- that means a much faster path to revenue.



"state-of-the-art transceivers" with "POET’s industry-leading 200G/lane optical engines". with Luxshare Tech's advanced optical module designs.  The optical modules will be manufactured and sold globally by Luxshare Tech. The 200g per lane show stopper from OFC is paying big dividends. All the big suppliers need to figure out their supply chains and it looks like 2 of the biggest, Foxconn and Luxshare are going with Poet.



"Luxshare Tech is developing a series of DSP-based and linear pluggable optics products for 400G and 800G speeds using POET's optical engines." -- LPO is what Broadcom and Arista have been pushing, and here is POET, ready and able to deliver a key component to that technology. These volumes could be enormous as these 2 behemoths are giants in the industry.



Mr GAO from Luxshare says the interposer surpassed their expectations during testing. What more do you need? I've been waiting for this statement since 2019!


I think we're there, the sales will be announced soon because these companies are lined up for the speed/reliability/low power/small size that Poet can bring to the table .


This is the type of news we've all been expecting! Poet is finally realizing its potential .

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