Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: I think I just found the 3rd partner...

Maybe I should elaborate a little bit on why I belive this 100G cwdm4 NADDOD transceiver uses the POET One optical engine. I commpared this product to the zktel

100G cwdm4 modules (known to use POET One) and realised the specs are basically the same in terms of technology and performance. Most modules use EML for transceivers but both of these use DML which is adopted by POET OEs. 

I think the spec that is most interesting to me though is: 

  • Significantly Improve the Flexibility, Economy and Reliability of Networking

Which does not appear on the other products. Unless Poet has another competitor that has discovered a way of scaling transceiver manufacturing in an economical way, I am convinced it must be POET One. But maybe I'm lost in the sauce.

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