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Message: Volume almost 100,000 at 11am

I also noticed that share price pattern forming.  I also thought it would be news of the final financing that would send RVX to $4+ range...but hey, as you say, it is what it is, and we will take it.  The bullish tone to the market is what I find most encouraging.  For RVX to go past $20, never mind $30+, we need more people to start talking about it, and eventually buying it.  And as we all know, momentum begets momentum.

Re Stockgumshoe...he does not really tell us anything new, at least the ones who regularly read this forum.  Bear could run circles around this Gumshoe's "analysis".  So someone reading the teaser could easily have dismissed the whole write up as speculation.  However, the key reason why someone did not dismiss it is...mainly because of that Makalu report.  A detailed report like that one has to lend an air of credibility to the newly initiated.  

FWIW, I re-read that report...and to my pleasant surprise, the Makalu analyst did talk about rising eGFR and falling Alkaline Phosphatase levels results in Phase 2.  So the report is about as good as it gets.  I don't know else a skeptic can ask for...it is all there laid out in that Makalu report.  Thank you Makalu!

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