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Message: MOA of Apabetalone - only affects sick patients


One of my favourite things about Apabetalone is that it does not affect healthy people,... from what I understand it only repairs whaT is broken/not working. What a great MOA!

tundup posted this June last year,.... do you think ASSURE would have succeeded if that 25% had low HDL,... as in the BETonMACE trial,..?

Again it might be possible that since all patients in the BERonMACE trial have low HDL levels,... and I imagine it is rare that the low HDL levels in placebo group patients will automatically improve,... so if the patient reports show HDL levels rising it probably points to RVX-208 working.

Does ot specifically state that HLD levels will be tested througout the trial,...?




Safety is fine – have now had 24 patients on Apabetalone for 2.5 yrs (1st patient Nov 2015). Interestingly the drug only really works when you are sick, it doesn’t really have much of an effect on healthy subjects. This is why Assure trial failed because 25% of patients weren’t that sick and had high levels of HDL.

Thanks-Merci beaucoup!

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