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Message: Top 5 things Apabetalone could correct for our health,...

"ALP might fit in a category all by itself as a highly valuable “Companion Test” for  monitoring Response to Therapy when ABET is being persctibed!!"

Agreed Kipk. Based on data presented to date, alkaline phosphatase may be the most consistent and reliable biomarker modulated by apabetalone. In a ranked order list of biomarker changes in Phase 2 trials sorted by p-value, alkaline phosphatase was at the top with p<0.0001. Even stronger than p-value for HDL-C or apo-AI changes. I am very excited to see what floats to the top of the much larger and longer Phase 3 BETonMACE trial! A week from today, all will have been told (except for cognition). Tick tock.


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