Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Question for : Fluffy

I am thinking along the same lines (though much simpler).  He is my reply to a post by Grapheneman on SI -

GM -

The US needs rare earth minerals. While graphite is not "exotic," I believe that graphene will be priced like a rare earth mineral due to its many future uses (in small amounts) in numerous products. It's just a matter of time before someone steps up and tries to capture this resource with a bid of say, $10/share. Many folks will want to take the money and run.

I think that bid will just be the beginning. I hope that shareholders will not sell the majority of the company too soon (though many early investors may want to sell some at this point - I think I may sell 20%). The rest I'll hold for the big pay-off. The final price could be $40/share or alternatively a stake in a dividend-producing company.

Many will say I am over the top in this prediction (and I have no charts or fundamentals to prove it) but I think that this is the pay-off many of us have seen from the beginning. This outcome feels like the direction ZGS is moving towards while they await the commercialization of the graphene market.


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