Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Partnership

It all puzzles me. The only experience I have with mines are seeing small operational coal mines and many vacated coal mines scattered through Oklahoma. Although, I have never visited the sites, only drove past. I had a little more experience with mines in Iraq and Afghanistan, particularly Afghanistan-usually abandoned Soviet mines but they werent the kind of mines anyone wanted to find. 

I say this because I didnt go into this thing blind. I did my research, I tried to learn what I could about mining, exploration, metals, etc. I thought "Ok A+B+C=$. This is how it works, simple enough. Easy money." But to quote a recent commercial "Thats not how it works. Its not how any of this works." I may have well gone into this blind. Its not a field that is easily understood without years and years of inside experience, much like many other fields of profession (medical, law, military, etc). Learning the basics and the way things are supposed to work is easy... and is just enough to get ourselves in trouble. 

I admit I was growing extremely paranoid, pessimistic, and disgruntled. But when I read the statement provided by BG I realized there were many things I didnt consider and many things I didnt even know. I would think we all have atleast a decent level of cognitive ability or we wouldnt be speculating on an area of land that most of us have likely never been to and on people most of us have likely never met. So we each have our perception of what exactly is at Hay Mountain based on things we have read and heard. And from what we read and heard we reasoned within ourselves and made a judgement that what we understand to be true (obviously if we didnt think it was true we wouldnt put our money down to be part of it) is worth a certain portion of our lives (time we will never get back, even the money we have invested is bought with our time). Some think more others think less, but we have all thought it is worth some portion of our life, even if we havent invested and only read the discussions- that is still moments we can not get back that we are trading for our interest in LBSR. 

I personally dont have the funds to drill Hay Mountain, I was hoping my investment with LBSR would get me those kinds of funds on a return. I still hope. I am not a miner, I have never explored anything not related to military, hunting, or relic hunting. I couldnt name one single type of rock by sight or tell you the difference between one rock or another other than saying "This rock is kind of a white color and that one looks kind of gray".

Im not saying we shouldnt question what is going on, we should. Remember, we have give the most valuable thing we can give to this company: our time, whether it be in the form of money, research, just following them, or all the above. So now, after reading what BG had to say, in my own personal revalation regarding recent comments I made, I suddenly see myself as a nagging wife, an aggressive panhandler, or- in a sense- the con man that attempts to manipulate a target by whatever means necessary in order to gain a personal objective. I dont run this company, like I said: I realized I dont understand anything about mining other than something comes out of the ground and someone else pays money for it. Sure I ask what is going on and why this and why that and why havent we done this or that when, in fact, there are endless variables and (to use the football analogy) me being a pop warner player I dont have a clue what coach is trying to do, other than score.

I wish I had some good insight on the company to share with you. But I dont. Like the carrot before the horse, this may go on for years and years and never happen. Or we could see that press release, the next time we log on, announcing a partner. LBSR has a different vaule to each of us, and its not measured in cash, but irronically, that is the payout when and if it hits. As cynical as I have become lately, in regards to LBSR, I will zip my lips and continue to hope. I, and you, have the power each day to take our losses and be on our way, double down, or sit and wait. The way I see it, the money I have already invested is like the time I wont and cant get back so I might as well let it ride and hopefully get that payout of cash for time. 

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