Where Sedex is today:
posted on
Sep 17, 2010 12:55PM
Part of the Hughes Group - gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc.
Our focus at this time is on Joint Venture (JV) opportunities. Sedex is Joint Ventured on several highly prospective properties where the JV partner is responsible for spending money on the property and is currently looking for JV partners for their most prospective wholly owned properties. At this time the current JV partners are not in an exploration phase on our properties however plans are in place for drill programs and we will inform our shareholders when these get underway.
We are also looking for a share price increase as a result of the upward trend for the Canadian Mining Juniors and an upward trend for the Hughes Exploration Group. Two of the companies in our group are experiencing high volumes and notable share price increases recently and we are optimistic that this success will have a positive impact on the entire Hughes Group.
Offsetting these challenges is the fact that they are what have put the share price at a place where you can purchase a good position without risking a lot of capital.
Best regards and good luck in the markets,
Kevin Hull
Investor Relations
Hughes Exploration Group
#711 - 675 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1N2
Facsimile: 604-685-3764