Ceased Operations May15, 2009

Message: Zties...you have metamorphised into a philosopher!

Re: z - Flat Earth / Round Earth

in response to by
posted on Aug 26, 2008 09:46AM


I take exception in your previous post with your idea of accuracy.

You stated that your posts are accurate. Your accuracy is from the perspective of the poster.

I view a poster as yourself as one who sees the world around him and comes to the conclusion that the earth is flat. All data points to that conclusion from your perspective and with that data, you would be "accurate". Also the monotheistic powers that be support your conclusions so those conclusions must be accurate.

However, one who travels the world, even circumnavigating it, would have an entirely different perspective and would come to the conclusion that the earth is round. With their data, their conclusion would be accurate.

The Honorable Zties is one who has done the extensive "travelling". To bring this annalogy back to the subject, Zties has done more in his due dilligence than any that I have known. His finger is on the pulse of VytaCorp and BioAgra. I would put more confidence on his ammassed data than all of the posters here combined.

That being said, I can also see that many would perceive his posts as Pollyannic in nature. Again, I turn to the level of his understanding of the product and the comprehensive nature of his delving into the process to bring this product to market.

Sure, I am distraught over the current share price. It has hit my interests hard. At times I have been very grumpy (to say the least) and I have dumped on the Honorable Zties over the phone.

It is ironic that I, considered to be a primary Pollyanna of the VytaCorp world, has his moments. We all do.

Yet, the potential of this product and the strength of the growing number of trials and the data resulting from previous and current trials, indicate a strong reversal of fortune for those of us who hold firm.

Mr. Zties and I have a large stake in this company. It is in our interests to do the due diligence that most would consider extreme. It is not in our interest to chose a jockey to chose the best horse. When one puts in the hours and money that we have, we chose both the horse and the jockey.



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