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Message: SLW - time to sell?

Silver Wheaton's strategy, as most here know, has been to sign takeoff agreements with miners wanting to rid themselves of pesky silver by-product. That worked out really well for SLW - perhaps too well. Now with the recent run-up in silver, miners who signed with them are looking kinda glum, while those that didn't are sporting big grins. Funny how that worked out, no?

Not that SLW's hurting, but where do they go from here? Who's going to sign with them now, and at what price? Kinda puts a cap on growth, doesn't it? Also, if they could sign agreements at a discount to current prices, who's to say silver doesn't retreat below that price and hand them losses that could run for a year or more?

So, where do you go from here if you're SLW? I really have no idea, which is why I'm asking. Anyone have thoughts on this?


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