Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Drill Status

I'm sure I read that with the addition of extra drills the information would be coming faster not slower!

A good drill crew can average about 80 to 140 meters a 2-shift day on 200-300 metre holes.   Assuming the drill moves were relatively coordinated and the ground conditions reasonable there will be many many more holes drilled during the soon to be EIGHT week period between results.

I'm starting to expect that there hasn't been anything very significant found so far.   If there was its hard to keep a lid on the information for two months when there are so many people paying attention to the activities at the site.  You don't need assays to give you a reasonable working guestimate of grade once you get used to a deposit or mineralization in an area.  As a geologist you use this information to determine if you should keep drilling a particular hole pastwhere it is suppose to shut down and to decide if you should drill a few more if you get into something interesting. 

As an investor, propsective buyer etc and if you had the inclination and $ you could buy the satellite shots of the area on a regular basis to see if any patterns develop that indicate another find.  If there was you would expect to see stock price movement.  So ater being beaten up during the past two weeks I expect to see more positive results from FDN but nothing else.  As always I don't mind being wrong if there is extra good news.




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