Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: I Am Not Amused!

I thought maybe you had sold out, lock, stock and barrel to Kinross and felt I was committing a horrible faux pas in casting aspersions on your newly "Beloved Ones".

The verbiage was just me trying to cover up a possible embarrassment. How stupid to use big words when little ones will suffice, eh?

See, from time-to-time the Aurelian fiasco is brought up on the Noront Board and there are those now who feel that the world's finest three gold mining companies are Kinross, Kinross and Kinross, and absolutely no criticism will be brooked.

Anyway, it's water over the dam now and the game never was a ladies' pink tea party. Insofar as we can see, Patrick is maintaining a pretty low profile on the Noront B of D.

Cheers! O.F.

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