Focused on the Exploration and Development through Partnership of its portfolio of Porphyry Copper Targets

Message: Re: has final court order been granted?

Re: has final court order been granted?

posted on May 05, 2008 10:39PM

JC, thanks for the response. Unfortunately, a few questions got lost within my lengthy posting. In copy/paste form, here is what you missed or what i think should be explained in further detail. Thanks muchly for taking the time...


- "are those Agoracom's words below or directly from Bell?"

"Please stay tuned to the Bell Resources Corp (Bell Copper Corp.) hub for more information as it will be posted as soon as it’s available."

- "Can you enlighten us of how the process works when asking a question, do you send our whole post in its entirety to Bell or do you re-paraphrase it to make some of them clearer? Do you cut any parts out?

Do you blend in a few Agoracom comments as well when sending, and also, do you add in comments when posting answers on the hub? (ie. such as the above in bold italics)."

Just curious and it's a legit question to understand it all...


- why wasn't the 'court order' decision put out in a news release?

"The three merging companies have no reason to believe the final order will not be granted on that date and it is expected to allow the companies to implement the merger with a target date on or about May 15, 2008, subject to co-ordination with the TSX Venture Exchange."

It's obvious it wasn't material as Bell answered with a yes to the ruling, however, whether it was perceived to be a "given" type of ruling is besides the point, that's my whole point of being a more transparent company to their shareholder base.

The court ruling was a mere rubber stamp to wrap up the merger, but in saying that - saying nothing doesn't mean it's a sure thing - hence why confirmation was needed. Lets say it never went thru and we sat and waited, then more merger delays would happen etc; would they then be obligated to issue a statement? Splitting hairs perhaps, but they work for us - the shareholders - we like to be well informed of everything they can possibly give us abiding by the rulebook. Please make sure they see these comments. Thxs.


- "is there an expiration date imposed to exercise these options (good for how long?)" Are they good until April 3, 2010 for example...2011?


May 06, 2008 05:19AM
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