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Message: Senator Writes Letter Backing CZN's Cause

Senator Writes Letter Backing CZN's Cause

posted on Feb 11, 2009 06:41AM
I think it was dated on 2/6/09. I'll have to try to find it again to post. His name was Liberal party member Nick Sibbeston.

Found it on the MVEIRB website but not a direct link.....kind of a link from another link.

He basically said CZN has been waiting 15 years for approval and have cooperated with the powers that be and that special interest groups shouldn't be able to throw a flurry of objections(many on issues already addressed) at the last minute to try to delay things. Basically, he also intimated, if there are legitimate issues they need to be addressed but should be done in a timely manner.

Let's hope it does some good.....

All JMO.........
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