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I repeat that at least 12-15 million shares that traded so far in the first quarter are unaccounted for. That figure includes any shares that might have been converted and sold due to debt financing. Since close to 32 million shares have traded during that period it doesn't take much due diligence to arrive at that figure.....Any material gathered by CardioGenics during its informal audit was reported to the SEC. Less then 30 percent of shareholders participated in the audit. Hundreds of Companies that were buffeted by naked shorts lodged formal complaints and made information available to the SEC but to no avail. Although the SEC has acknowledged the problem they have done very little about it. Most experts would say that a hard borrowing requirement would help. One problem is that most of the naked shorting comes from overseas.....If you call FINRA and ask for Market Regulation they will answer any questions you have about the fails to deliver problem.......Jeff Goss was not a founder of Jagnotes. In fact he had very little to do with the operations of the Company.....A lower average share price will result in the shorts covering quicker when CGNH moves up significantly.

Mar 25, 2015 06:40PM
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