Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Bitumen/ WTI OIL/CLL

Hi Sharky:

As to your question regarding economics and fiscal solvency. Does it really make sense that a monetary aurhority can spend all of its capital and then go turn on the printing press again and all will be magically ok? In Europe and the United States our leaders are BS'ing us. The reality? We are in the process of degrading our currencies by creation digitally of more of it. Is there really anything to back up the creation of more Dollars or Euros?

We will jointly cheapen our currencies and make them worth less in "real terms". The only question? Will other nations retaliate by doing the same to their own currencies? Then it becomes a race to the bottom. Give it a couple of months and then look at the price of gold, oil, base metals, platinum, palladium, food. It will all become more expensive in Dollars and Euros. The only constant will be your compensation. The price of all else in real terms will go up.

It is all a scam by reckless governments which have no ethics or discipline. Their only enduring desire is to have greater control over our lives and personal resources!


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