Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: i have heard that they may

Hi Jurek

Lots of value as you describe is a relative term. IMO the market value of the CLL assets is lower then injected capital. This is not a good record.

Yes value is relative.But that depends also according to the view of a possible buyer.So far the injected capital was probably to high in comparison with the gains.But that's also a fact due to economic situation cfr bitumen price etc.

But a buyer can expand the sagd facility to 50.000 bpd and let's assume it can only make 40.000 out of it then after all it's not bad.The conventional part can also be a success story and could give a good return.problem for CLL was they run out of capital for echieving these goals which is sad.We can't benefit of these possibillities.

I think the 3 major blocks MRC,conventional and the sagd on their own have a good basis .

If they should sell MRC and use some of the capital to reduce debt and then try to achieve better outpput on alll their current well pads by using the new technic would not be bad IMO.The conventional part IMO is something that could give them a better return if the wells they should drill are very productive.Now they are only testing a very small part.

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