Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta


Hi Terry

Very boring to follow CLL past weeks.No action so far.I think if we get a run on something highest target will not cross 0.32 I suppose.They announced a refile of a 2012 dec. discussion.What the reason was for this I don't know.Nothing spectacular.

In the years before CLl made some ups and downs during the months but now it's almost flat around0.20.just wandering who's buying and selling for 1 or 2 cents?

How is weather situation there at this moment?In lots of countries in Europe winter didn't show up so far which I don't regret of course.We are lucky so far to have temps around 7 to 10 but much windy days and lots of showers while in the UK many parts are flooded .In the US they have also their part of the cold.Never witnessed in my life such a winter time.

Canadians and Americans are doing well in the olympics now.Belgium will not reach a podium place i guess in winter games.


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