Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: Canadian Golden Elephant
Oct 31, 2014 06:36PM
Oct 31, 2014 09:37PM
Oct 31, 2014 10:09PM

Great post Prospekt

I truley respect you and your line of thought

SOme of the reasons why people dont pick it up simply is the banning.TO scared to reply because the post gets pulled or they get banned.

I think when we got the NR that Teck is going to re-logg the old core samples. I said right then, TIme to go and get back in when this possibly could hit .09 cents.

Now just watch how many will flip out with this stament trying to defend this? or this post will get pulled when many others way worst never got pulled.

Many are looking into the NR for some hidden secret message. Well I have thought the same and defended like others and have seen nothing but down down down and pull back after pull back.

I took the NR just for what was wrote. Teck will do nothing until 2015 and drill some holes and THEN get back to us and we will know better then were we stand.

We are just getting into tax loss season.

I sold my possition...I will get back in, but only when I think its right. I do believe we might hit the .09 to .10 range.

I hope its ok to post on this board if I do not own shares? After all I blew over 80,000 grand on this stock and sat for over three years...I think I`ve earned that right to chim in every now and again.

Teck holds its cards close to thier vest. So take the NR for what it is...so far Teck has done what they said they will do. Why would anyone think differently.

Im no way a basher. BUT I am not a pumper anymore either...I have learned a lot. "Do not fall in love with any stock"

why should I support this stock anymore???? I did and lost large. Others did as well.

Why is not managment supporting this stock?

We have more than Schaft Creek.....and before anyone bites my head off or down grades me...lol

Look how long it took managment to get the old historic cores out of the basement from Arizonia and ship them to a new place and get them tested?

I was the one who just about a year ago...got ridiculed for this. So I think managment should have done or should be doing a better job.

They should be cracking the whip a little better than they are.

Things can be done much quicker in my mind. THen core samples took months , I mean months of re-logging "way to long to re-do"

But everyone got paid. Now we "MIGHT" be in a crunch. I think managment "expected" Teck to move quicker or give us a check for another 20 mill and go into production.

Well that wont happen anytime soon. So what???? We depend on Ernesto "AGAIN"???

Why should we depend on him? Don't get me wrong I think thats great...and he should end up with half....as a matter of fact he owns pretty much a little more than half of everything now....but the question is why?

This in my opinion, This goes back to managment. "Foot draggers" But yet they got thier yearly salleries.

I would like to think that this wont get pulled,,,but im sure some will just want to wish bad things on me and rip this post apart. "I get it" I was like that too. But after watching were this SP has gone since the BFS....well enough said.

Oct 31, 2014 11:41PM
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