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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Todays volume

Re: Todays volume

posted on Apr 08, 2009 07:10AM

"90% imagined + 10% mistranslated, or completely hypothetical"

Bandit, something that isn't imagined is the fact that kry is preparing for arbitration, the bondholders want thier money, and we have a denial of our permit. Please don't consider this one of those negative posts. This all falls into the political risk category that alot of us didn't think was as big a deal as the "bashers" made it out to be.

The tactics going on have to be supported to a good degree by some of the bigger players in this politically, personally I can't see any other reasoning behind the depth to which this has gone.

Our shareprice and market perception isn't imaginary, there are valid reasons for it.

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