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Message: CVG-Minerven Workers accused unionists of using to work in mass unlawful strike

CVG-Minerven Workers accused unionists of using to work in mass unlawful strike

posted on Sep 01, 2009 11:47PM

CVG-Minerven Workers
They accused unionists of using
to work in mass unlawful strike

Joel Bolivar said the union is using them as useful idiots to the labor. AAA
CVG-Minerven Collective Socialist unions blame the loss of millions

El Callao

Representatives of the Collective of social workers CVG-Minerven (Coletrasom), called on the labor of mining state, not to lend to the game that unions are sponsoring the Venezuelan state mining company.

Coletrasom spokesmen, called the measures taken by trade unions as disruptive and separatist, which they merely seek to deceive the workers, "using them as useful idiots in illegal protest actions and work stoppage that have produced millions in losses the company CVG-Minerven, "said José Bolívar, a member of this group of workers.

Similarly, Bolivar said that actions taken by the unions of the company CVG-Minerven, "are absolutely illegal, threatening the job security of all employees who have joined the strike, urged by union leaders" he said.

Also, representatives Coletrasom stressed that "these protest actions outside the law away private investment and foreign opinion of the matrices they generate to certain media, as well as affecting the government anticipates agreements with several in mining countries, deepened.

In the same order of idea, said workers CVG-Minerven who repudiate the actions of protests, which suggests that unions have a radical confrontational attitude without cause, "because on Monday August 31 signed an act between the conflicting parties in the offices of the Bolivar Area Coordinating Ministry of People's Power for Labor and Social Security, which ended the work stoppage and to form a panel that discussed to seek solution to this dispute, "said Bolivar .

Harming achievements

Finally, the group of workers in CVG-Minerven of that socialist group, said that such industrial action, "only seek to harm the achievements and scopes of policies, implemented by the company president Luis Herrera Mendoza, to the popular sectors of the Roscius municipalities, El Callao and Sifontes "concluded Joel Bolivar.

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