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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Not opting in

Why would a new poster show up out of the woodwork just when things start to get interesting i.e. opt-in for shareholders, and claim all his lawyer knowhow to repeatedly bash Gowlings... I'll tell you why.. Sentiment...To create doubt in your mind, and get everybody all worked up, and in thus so doing make us all feel like it's too late for the poor 'ol shareholder. Making us expect nothing after all this time, because well, there is "no reasonable chance, no value and poor approach from Gowlings". LOL well he should get out there, and use his skills to do better and put a lid on bashing the guys that were hired to do the job. All the negative rhetoric stinks of trolling that will continue until the trolls stops getting fed. 

IMHO this CCAA situation is rare/unique in that there is a very likely scenario of everyone being paid back and then some.. It's what happened along the way with us shareholders getting the short end of the stick that currently stinks to high heaven...

Everyone that has doubts, do as Gowlings suggested, take the agreement to your own lawyer for review, and if you feel it brings value then opt-in, and if it doesn't so be it. The more of us in numbers that opt-in the more the judge will have to acknowledge that it's not just the few disgruntled rich guys as jimmijazz has explained ad nauseam already..


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