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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America



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Message: RE:Paau/Response by JJ

Paau I think you have taken my questions the wrong way. I was not trying to suggest anything about a lawyer-client relationship. I didn't know you were a lawyer and was simply asking so I could add or subtract weight to your comments about how wrong you say I am about my thoughts on the legallity of issues.

Your disclaimer makes it clear that you are a lawyer so I will take that into account when I read your comments. It does however bring into question some of your posts that I found confusing. You seemed to have a direct connection to Tenor and have defended them on most occasions except where you have suggested you are just another small shareholder like the rest of us.

There are positives and negatives with anonymity. It hopefully protects all us so we can speak freely and honestly. It also allows for posters with different motives to hide their agenda. Don't take this as me saying you are working for Tenor to disrupt the opt in process. What I always find strange is when we get new posters who after we get hope that make a point of telling us we shouldn't get to excited.

Thanks for letting us know indirectly where you stand.


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