Targeting multi-million high-grade oz. in Quebec

Windfall Lake Property, located near Val d'Or, Quebec: Indicated 538,000 oz. (10.05 gpt) / Inferred 822,000 oz. (8.76 gpt) (July 2012)

Message: don't get too excited about a down day or a few down days

all is good

When you have the steady hand of Ned Goodman at the helm and his co pilot is John Proust then you know the ship is in good and solid hands. sure there may be troubled waters ahead as they try to bring this mine to fruition. But if anyone out there believes these guys are out for a quick buck i.e. selling out for pennies, then you need to rethink your investment.

We all knew they would have to increase the float to cover the investment , I wasn't far wrong when I said the o/s shares would go up to 400m. Will they at some point do a reverse split, only time will tell.

This is going to be a wonderful cruise on the good ship Eagle Hill, sit back relax and don't worry



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