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Message: When will the next quarterly report be released?

I stated some time ago that I'm a shareholder (obviously you have a selective and poor memory) and that I could afford to lose that position, but because others may not be in that position they should hear more than just the cheerleader side of things. Jun. 19 you stated that you've "dumped them for years when they piss me off ", if that is not emotional then what is? That is also a rhetorical question, meaning no rebuttal required or wanted. When nickto stopped presenting the otherside I took up the mantle and I will continue to do so. I had no idea that I claimed that "Now Paul Hart will bankrupt them on his way out." and if that is your interpretation, well than good luck with that. May 15 CC the question to Sankar was "given that you're down here in terms of cash, you don't expect to raise money through an equity issuance?" Sankar "we are looking at banks and groups like EDC, Export Development Canada, et cetera who should be able to meet our working capital requirements." If you weren't so emotional your mind maybe, I repeat MAYBE clear enough to realize that I was just regurgitating what Sankar had already stated. And that I brought it up because of the amount of time that has past. Anyways the market is speaking louder then you so fill your boots and have at it, there will be no further response from me to you, I've already wasted too much time on you.

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