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Message: Just listen CC

Much less interesting than last one, many comments on growth, huge market, high margin separion, hollistic financial plan (dude what does it means, why not rename electrovaya "an hollistic battery company" !!!), etc ... but at the end not a lot of meat.

Analyst question partly boaring, why no question on status of New Thames Valley Vision project, status of MWh storage unit to Toronto and London Hydro (due mid-2015), Vitronic new order, status of Mondelez in test since beginning of 2015 (what to conclude fail ?), Walmart (no sales ?), potential JV for battery assembling, JV for separion ...

Sankar mentions new customer in ferry market but bet it is Leclanché order, so not really a new customer.

When to expect first line of non-NMP in place ?

Plant is 0.5 GWh but as drying oven is main part of NMP equipment, we can assume non-NMP capacity at least 1-2 GWh in same plant.

Why Andy Ganapathy not add on management list on website, job depend on success of Mondelez and co. order ?

What financial engineering plan means for shareholders, massive dilution ?

No clear reply from Sankar on Separion price, what to expect from sales of NMP lines, deadline for qualification, still messy communication, hope :-( will change soon with acquisition digestion.

Hopefully have not been able, no internet connection for 2 weeks:-), to purchase prior 29th december quaterly above 1$ and finally get back at 40 cents (now close to 36 cents mean price), so can live with present stockprice but will be deeply angry if reenter above 1.

Still hope good news are coming quite soon but so-so CC for now, 900% revenue increase means nothing as Daimler contract end in October ... just means next quarter should be better (3 months of litarion instead of 2) and after ????

Do not see catalyst for stockprice increase if no substantial news coming on commercial order, otherwise long and boaring stockprice drift for months not exclude.

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