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Message: Speculation

You all know I am the worlds worst at speculating. I am wrong all the time. That being said the recent events are very interesting. It is like an orchestra following the conductor.

First we had Dr. Andre Mecklengerg leave and become Managing Director of Kampf LSF. Looking at thier web page makes me think they made the equipment used to manufacture the separion?

Then we had the job postings that not only posted Dr. Mecklenbergs job but additional jobs that suggested expansion. Must read English.

Then Electrovaya changed markets going OTC.

I could not figure what was going on until the piggyback sale was posted. Then I figured someone big wanted in, but who? My first thought was GE as in General Electric as I believe they are installing EFL batteries in the Ontario project and liked what they were seeing. Then the crazy idea came to mind that Kampf might be the culprit and that was the reason Dr. Mecklenberg changed jobs ! ! Would not that make a great move to add another vertically integrated component??

How do you raise cash out of that? Sanker gets cash, loans it to Electrovaya with interest. Electrovaya gets cash to expand..All very well orchestrated and planned.

So much for my SPECULATION...

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