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Message: Re: Jerome Hass is an idiot!

Aug 15, 2016 01:22PM

An iteresting point from the Haas video no yet mentioned ...

Haas wasn't happy that the CEO would "NOT" free up his shares and make them available for shorting. He said if the CEO believed in market values, he would free them up and let the market decide the value of EFL. I found this part hilarious.

There are still 35 mil shs available out there for Haas. How many does he really need?

Contrary to what some would have us believe, we don't need shorts to determine the value of anything. Vehicles, houses, businesses change hands every minute, without shorts, and seem to function just fine on the principal, "it's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it". If the market was unhappy with the price here, it could and would sell off until it found its equilibrium. Although shorting has been around for ages, it really is just another form of financial engineering by the Wall St types.

The small float and tight liquidity makes EFL an easy target for an entity with enough capital. Sankar is doing the right thing by not freeing up his shs. If they trip, the price will go down. Simple fundamentals.

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