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Message: They found gas under Mindszent and Hódmezővásárhely

They found gas under Mindszent and Hódmezővásárhely

posted on Oct 19, 2009 02:02AM

They found gas under Mindszent and Hódmezővásárhely


András Korom 2009.10.19. 05:00

Csongrád County - The search for natural gas in the Mindszent and Hódmezovásárhely area successfully came to an end. In January a decision will be on the economics of this resource. Next year, MOL has plans to open a mining plot in the area.

MOL successfully concluded its search for natural gas in the Mindszent and Hódmezovásárhely area; presently the results are being evaluated.

- The test-drillings carried out with Exxon has confirmed what we already knew, that in the great depths under Mindszent and Hódmezovásárhely really there is a natural gas field. We didn’t even have to carry out fracing in these two wells to achieve this result – told our paper György Volner.

Mol’s public relations department official added: this is only a first phase of the explorations. However, they are now in the possession of the necessary technology needed for the economical extraction of the hydrocarbons. The start of production is not dependent on this. The three companies, Exxon, Falcon Oil & Gas and MOL are treating the entire 750 square kilometres area of the Makó trough uniformly. The test-drilling areas for geological research in the trough have been divided among them, Földeák, Hódmezovásárhely and Mindszent. Therefore, decision to start production, will be made after the Exxon experts evaluated the results of these drillings. The decision expected to be ready next January.

- The decision to start production will be dependent on the results and on the economic calculations on the entire Makó trough. The research permit for the Mindszent area expired on 27 July 2009, and now the final report of the research is being concluded. If the Mining Bureau accepts the report then next summer we are planning to open a mining plot in the Mindszent and Hódmezovásárhely area- said György Volner.

A lot of water came with the gas

Testing failed to bring good result at the Földeák-1 well, where the extracted gas brought too much water to the surface and the gas quality was unsatisfactory. The fracs in the great depths broke into a natural water layer - announced recently the project manager of the Canadian Falcon Oil & Gas. Marc A. Bruner. However, the results obtained here do not characterize the entire Makó trough- said the chief executive. He thought it would worth a try in the shallower depths at Földeák.

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