Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Comparing the Exxon drill in Hungary
Does anyone know if the apparent good results of this first test well in any way compare to the poor results that occurred when Exxon drilled in Hungary a few years back? I recall that Exxon actually gave flow data from their drilling effort along with stating they had encountered a large amount of water and determined the well was not worth pursuing further. Wouldnt the drilling effort that was just completed by Origins on the first well give an indication of the well being a dud if they had found similar characteristics to the Mako? I think the objectives may have been different with this first well compared to Hungary but I'm thinking they would know had they encountered similar problems like Hungary. Certainly Phillip's comments indicate what they found is very positive. Just trying to figure out if we are over a significant hurdle that we were unable to clear in Hungary. Would like to hear from someone who understands the difference in the objectives between the 2 drilling campaigns.
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