Specializing in the strategic acquisition, exploration and development of uranium properties and is headquartered in Kelowna, British Columbia

Message: Fission Hits 14.74% U3O8 Over 9.0M in 3.36% U3O8 Over 44.0m at

"The R600W zone is emerging as an impressive high-grade zone and importantly, it is open in all directions. Encountering this grade and width 555m from the Triple R deposit is tremendously exciting and we are looking forward to receiving the assays from our follow up holes at the zone. Just as importantly, this hole has very similar geology to the Triple R deposit and our recently announced winter program expansion will focus on the R600W."

The 600W zone is a game changer for Fission.

Fission had a maiden resource estimate of over 100M lbs based on the deposits under the (shallow) lake. This was very impressive for a maiden RE. As an open pittable deposit, the Triple R deposit is already a takeover target without R600.

Assuming Fission continues to prove that R600 is a significant sized land based open pittable deposit on it's own (open in all directions) this will make Fission even more attractive to potential suitors.

Assay Highlights Include:

  • Located at R600W zone, 555m west of Triple R Deposit
  • High-grade, wide mineralization starting at just 107.0m
  • 44.0m (107.0m to 151.0m) @ 3.36% U3O8, including:
    • 9.0m (121.0m to 130.0m) @ 14.74% U3O8

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