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I completely understand your thoughts and the innapropriate experience you have dealt with.

You are not the 1st to express such and won't be the last.

HL's who over step their bounds need to be dealt with.

Posters who continually violate the 6 rules ditto.

People who join for the sole purpose to "do their dirty work in the shadows" ditto, but they need to be exposed 1st.

I say,

  1. you can't vote till you earn the privaledge of reaching treasurer rank just like you can't vote till becoming 18.
  2. you can't use the PM system at all, until posting on the board or boards in which you want to communicate with members on that board or boards.

IMO, George should beta test this for a year and if it cleans up an adequate percentage of both issues, leave it in place.

Agoracom is the best out there, but it does not mean improvements cannot make it even better.

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