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Saskatchewan's SECRET Gold Mining Development.

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via BNN.ca - Seabridge Gold

I had never seen a comprehensive discussion with the principals of Seabridge Gold of the project status until now. They are unable to raise the capital required and must sell the project to a much bigger miner. 'You get your gold at negative cost!' is your huckster line.

Not that they are sitting on an unmarketable project, they are marketing to major players the obvious economic benefits of the mine. The province of B.C. is notorious for shutting down mines, and large undeveloped prospects in B.C. and Alaska have remained in the moose pasture state, primarily because of the burdens if raising capital, environmental jingoism, questions of ownership, and brinkmanship of all sorts of the players.

I found it quite surprising to hear how the opinion of foreign state officials from the U.S. were required of their opinion. You need people to swear on a stack of bibles for your benefit. They make the preposterously absurd claim that they are improving the environment that they are improving water quality and uniquely transitioning a vast hole in the ground into a green bonanza. (When money is involved, you need to lie, because how else do you expect to make money? Pfffft.) I would surmise that they are mostly speaking to an American audience who are 'Trump Voters.' And like Golden Band, will(eventually) be marketing to the American investment crowd.

They also mentioned an interesting facet that was torn out of the page of the Jutia Group interview with Mr. Netolitzky,(link library) that there's 50 years of operations available. This statement caught my attention. Overall Seabridge will be an option on mining share prices. As luck would have it, Seabridge may actually be able to raise the capital(probably more like $10b., a moonshot-the guy looks like 'the right stuff' -a rocket doctor) A good discussion of a mining prospect, even if it was sheer mining porn.

And what of Golden Band, then, eh?



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