Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Re: NEWS ------- Golden Hope Announces Drilling at Laval's Mountain

This was very interesting:

The Laval's Mountain geochemical survey scored a 5 for Gold and 5 for base metals out of a potential 6.

I was not aware of any other area within the Timmins/Bellechasse area that had any base metals showings thru HGS. I called Sasha and he confirmed that this was the case. So not only do we have a excellent gold target at Laval, it seems we have an excellent VMS target. It is very premature here but this could be a copper/gold porphyry. In any case, we do have a different signature with strong results so I can see why GNH was curious to drill it.

Sasha also pointed out to me that they have told investors since the summer that they would be drilling at Laval and so they are just doing what they said they would do.

Hole 149 on the map was interesting to me and I look forward to the results there. This hole is collard over T2, going towards the road zone and was drilled to a depth of 280m. There is a large gap between T2 and the road zone in terms of diorite. It seems to me that they wanted to fill that gap with this hole. The interesting part is if they do hit with this hole, then T2 and the road zone may be joined at depth and opens the possibility that all of this area is joined at depth.


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