Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

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Message: 26 broadway and more stuff
Jun 02, 2013 08:45PM
Jun 04, 2013 08:59AM
he stated that he has been following this charade since Feb.. when he joined. I submit that he is a company plant. Earl has every right to do what he did. the company can blame all they want, but be sure that they validate their claims of excessive spending on defending. all they have done is say NO, and wrote letters, and they a legal team for that. I submit that the whining by the company is no less suspect. words are cheap... we are all from Missouri so Frank ... show us the leadership you profess to have and quit whining.... get to the real work at hand. trust with verification all.... cant trust any words spoken... except mine of course:) and dont forget that Earl has other s/holders as well... just not him. he isnt the whipping post here folks.
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