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Message: Mexico Cuts U.S. Crude Shipments By 13%

Great post and uncommon insight (compared to the dullard masses) as usual Coach.

"If the world is going to insist on carbon taxes and other such nonsense, then let the stupid bastards freeze in the dark."

I can't recall how many otherwise very bright IT folks at work that I've broached the subject of peak oil, and all I ever get is a stupid smirk and drivel about greedy oil companies, insinuating they are the ones that are soley responsible for high gas prices at the pump. Regardless of the fact that Government is the largest single beneficiary of rising petrolem prices.

No matter how you try to reason with the guy on the street about the rising input costs for refiners, increased demand from developing nations, or natural decline in the largest producing oil fields, at the end of the day human tendancy towards stupidity lasts until it finally is forced to confront the cold hard facts.

What this amounts to the average Joe is a crisis in energy supplies that is quickly coming to a town near you. Frankly the only way Joe Sixpack will ever demand meaningful change to the status stupidity quo is to be confronted with supply shortage. Inbred Human stupidity guarantees this outcome and frankly, I welcome the opportunity so we can finally get off our collective fat duffs and implement meaningful change that will ensure supply stability goping forward. Too bad we will have to ensure govenment-mandated rationing in the interim. Yes I encourage others to stockpile extra gas to help get through the coming turmoil. In the same line of thinking, making friends with retired folks who don't travel much might also be a good idea if you get my drift.

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