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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: From "Uncle Jimmy's" website.

Snippet from the same article w/ JS preamble, copied from UJ's website fyi fwiw:

GEAB, to who you really should consider subscribing, has an earlier timeframe than I do on the "Great Reset," yet we agree totally on the "Great Leveling."

"Historians will certainly consider the 2008 crisis as a warning shot ahead of that of 2013. All the world’s regions won’t be affected in the same way but all will suffer. According to LEAP/E2020 the stages of this second crisis can be summarised as follows:

– end 2013, financial impact: collapse of financial markets especially in the US and Japan. Banks can no longer be saved by States and bail-ins are put in place;

– end 2013-2014, spreading to the real economy: the financial impasse causes/reveals a major world recession and the reduction of international trade;

– 2014, social impact: the economic deterioration causes unemployment to explode, in the United States the dollar’s decline lowers the standard of living, riots mushroom everywhere;

– 2014, political crisis: the governments of the most affected countries are under fire for their handling of the crisis, forced resignations and early elections are expected, if not coups;

– 2014-2015, international management of the crisis: together Euroland and the BRICS impose a new international monetary system and lay down the bases of a new global governance;

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