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Goldnev Resources Inc. is a public energy company focused on conventional and unconventional oil and gas production, with active projects located in British Columbia, oil shale exploration program in Saskatchewan, and oil and gas production in Alberta.

Message: Re: Lana, Rich,---What do you think of this?

if accountability is what this TSX-V is all about Marc R Dame has showen that white coller crime payes off and the not one government agency will do anything to stop people .
my question is how can a company steal properties and just take them to a diffrent exchange , pink sheets , i guess it is all about who you sleep with ,,,C Chapman ...Why would your CFO call you a bunch of crooks ? all investors need to write to the Alberta securities and Ontario Securities , maybe the F.B.I as there will be a crap load of americian investors that will be screwed in the prosess as well
If Gnz was all on the up and up then the comany would have sold its shares to Oil Shale International Corp and the sold them to a sham front company that is located is a shopping mall in Florida (post office box) and there would be money to close down the office and pay creditors ,,,but no Marc leaves us high and dry and all our investments are in limbo till when 2019 when marcs can come back and kiss our asses and get reenstated , hopefull by that time some thing (gangmember) has dome something to those two basstards sorry Directors

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